DelVache in the media
At DelVache, our specialty is crafting high-quality leather aprons.
Discover how far our obsession goes to create the perfect apron.
KNive Bags
It is essential for a culinary maestro to rely on good knives. Transport and store your knives safely with this leather bag.
Professionals also choose DelVache
Did you know that our aprons are specifically designed for use by professionals?
This means that we have done everything possible to ensure that our aprons are as comfortable as possible, so they can be worn frequently and for long periods.
Moreover, our aprons are designed to last for years while developing a beautiful patina over time.
Wagyu Grill
Tabliers serveur + sets de table
Atelier Springael
Andy De Brouwer
Gerald Watelet
Edgar's Flavors
DelVache offers you the opportunity to uniquely customize your leather products, whether for personal use, professional use, or for small businesses.
Share with us the idea that’s blossoming in your mind, and we will provide you with a personalized simulation using our Photoshop expertise.
We make our leather aprons, knife sheaths, and various other leather goods in Belgium.
To achieve this, we combine the use of high-tech machines with artisanal craftsmanship.
Fully enjoy your beautiful BBQ moments
The pleasure of enjoying a barbecue with friends, family, or as a couple. Memories are the last important treasures we can take from a person.
So build this wealth as best you can while you can.
Not only do you strengthen the intensity of the moment, but you can also share the stories endlessly afterward.
OUR 'BLOG' Articles
5 conseils pour une fête des pères parfaite
Organise une activité amusante à faire ensemble Rien ne fera plus plaisir à ton père qu'une journée mémorable passée ensemble.
Histoires de Startups Delvache - 2 : Et c'est ainsi que l'histoire a commencé...
Apprenez-en plus sur le parcours des membres de DelVache.
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